Parkinson’s Care Virginia

Parkinson’s Care Virginia

Parkinson’s disease affects each person differently. Some people may remain at the early stages for years while others progress to the later stages more rapidly. Regardless of whether your loved one has just been diagnosed or has been displaying symptoms for years, his or her needs will continue to evolve. It’s essential for caregivers and family members to understand what is happening to their loved ones and how to provide the proper care and support. Parkinson’s care Virginia is available to help both patients and their families.

In general, one out of 100 people who are over the age of 60 and about 10 percent of people under the age of 50 are diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease, a neurological disorder that occurs in the brain and causes gradual loss of muscle control. Impairment ranges from tremors and changes in gait and posture to the inability to stand and walk independently. People with Parkinson’s can also suffer from apathy, depression, fatigue, dementia, and hallucinations.

While your loved one is able to remain at home, Virginia Kares Home Care Services, LLC can provide support and care that benefits both the patient and his or her caregivers. Our services include:

  • transportation,
  • exercise and help with physical therapy,
  • daily mobility needed to perform tasks like dressing, personal hygiene activities, and eating,
  • meal planning and nutrition services,
  • home safety and patient supervision, and
  • relief for family members who are also caregivers.

The families of Parkinson’s patients need help and support as well. As the disease progresses, it becomes more difficult for caregivers to know how to help them. It’s also common for caregivers to feel helpless and stressed. That’s why Virginia Kares wants to help you keep your loved one at home for as long as possible while providing you with the tools and assistance you need.

If you are looking for Parkinson’s care Virginia that is both affordable and responsive, Virginia Kares can offer the right services for your patient. Contact us today to learn more or to schedule a free in-home consultation.