When Christmas is the hardest day
Our research this year uncovered the sad but shocking fact that 2.8 million older people say all they want for Christmas this year is companionship. Instead of a day to look forward to, Christmas is the hardest day of the year for far too many older people.

For Ted, one of our Christmas appeal storytellers, the usual Christmas traditions have been too painful to face since losing his beloved wife Jess. The pair met in primary school, were married for 68 years, and did everything together. “She was my life,” Ted told us.
No older person should feel lonely this Christmas, and all of us have a part to play in ensuring they’re not. Last month, we heard from the inspirational Dame Esther Rantzen as we marked the 10th anniversary of The Silver Line – a 24-hour lifeline for people who are lonely and want a chat. Alongside The Silver Line, we’re proud that more than 5,000 people volunteer to be a telephone befrienders for the Age UK Telephone Friendship Service. The service is a simple piece of magic, with volunteers giving isolated older people a weekly, 30-minute phone call to bring some happiness and help them know they’re not alone. The calls have made a big difference to Ted, who enjoys his regular chats with his telephone befriender Lisa: “I can talk to Lisa about everything – if I feel a bit down, I tell her. It’s one of the best things I’ve ever done.”
And for older people who want some in-person conversation, so many of our local Age UKs offer face-to-face befriending services. In many cases these have helped older people to step out their front door for the first time since the pandemic cast its long shadow.
We know that the winter can be unforgiving for older people, like our storyteller James, who tells us: “When the winter comes, I feel the beginning of depression, and worry and anxiety, because it’s a long, hard time.” So this Christmas, please look out for the older people in your life, consider volunteering for Age UK, or please support our Christmas Appeal. Your support will help us continue to spread the warmth beyond Christmas and throughout the winter. Thank you.