Your voice, your choice, your future #WeCare #DAW24
Each year, Dementia Awareness Week (DAW) is held with the aim of raising awareness of dementia and helping improve the lives of people with dementia, their families and carers. Each person living with dementia has their own unique story, and their needs, preferences and aspirations are as diverse as they are.
During the week you will see Alzheimer Scotland advocate for a care approach that enables people with dementia to live as well as they can for as long as they can. Good care respects and embraces diversity, giving people the power and control to make choices that reflect who they are and what matters most to them – now and in the future. Good care looks different for everyone, and the best care is one that is tailored to the individual – your voice, your choice and your future.
Dementia Awareness week 2024, is also an opportunity for allied health professionals (AHP) to share with you a selection of the AHP online resources. The resources can support you if you are worried about your memory, are living with dementia or supporting a person with dementia. We all understand that people with dementia can learn new things, be involved in hobbies, work and leisure, and live a full, enjoyable life. #WeCare
You can find a range of online resources in the postcards below.

Would you like to know more about our allied health professionals work in dementia or would just like to have a conversation about dementia and allied health professionals, you can contact us at AHPDementia@alzscot.org and follow us at @AHPDementia #DementiaAwareness #DAW24 #WeCare