Stroke Recovery Galax VA

Strokes are life altering for both the victims and their families. While strokes occur in different severities, they all involve a blood vessel that has burst or has been blocked in some way from carrying oxygen and nutrients in the blood to some part of the brain. Damage is caused when brain cells die as a result. A stroke can cause loss of function temporarily or permanently depending on which parts of the brain were affected and how much impairment resulted. Stroke recovery Galax VA is dependent upon quick diagnosis and treatment.

For family members, it’s excruciating to watch a loved one go through such trauma, but immediate treatment and rehabilitation can go a long way toward helping him or her recover and adjust to any life changes the stroke may have caused. Being able to do that at home can also give your loved one a boost. Being more comfortable in their own homes can prevent depression and anxiety which make recovery even more difficult. Everything we can do to give our loved ones a positive outlook makes a difference.

Being a caregiver for someone who has had a stroke can be challenging but there are many resources available to offer support. The most helpful thing you can do is to put yourself in the stroke victim’s shoes.Remembering that your loved one will want to regain as much independence as possible will guide you in encouraging your loved one while not being too restrictive.

Here are some other tips to help you care for a stroke victim at home.

  1. Work with an occupational therapist to make modifications to the home to reduce the risk of falling. Installing grab bars and slip resistant mats, improving lighting, and removing clutter can make the home safer.
  2. Some medications cause side effects. Keeping a record of the victim’s symptoms and behaviors can help you to identify any problems that may be caused by a medication.
  3. Since stroke victims can take months to recover, effects from the event might not be evident right away. Watch for anything unusual and report any new symptoms to the patient’s neurologist.
  4. Encourage the patient to participate in daily rehabilitation exercises. Movement stimulates the brain and is one of the best treatment options.
  5. Help only when it is necessary or if the patient asks for assistance. It’s important for patients to do as much as they can for themselves. Intervening can hamper the recovery process.
  6. Be aware of the fact that your loved one is going through emotional changes and may experience depression, anxiety, and even grief. Try to remain supportive and understand that the patient’s frustration is not because of anything you did. A counselor or therapist may be able to help the patient deal with his or her feelings.
  7. Don’t be discouraged. Stroke patients achieve improvements amid setbacks. Setbacks are normal as long as the patient is improving overall.
  8. Get help and support for yourself as a caregiver. Joining a support group, seeing a counselor, and utilizing home health care services can keep you from being overwhelmed and stressed.

Virginia Kares Home Care Services, LLC, can provide the support and care you and your loved one need. Companionship, transportation, medication reminders, and personal care are just a few of the ways our care providers can give you and your family peace of mind during a trying time. Contact us today to learn more about your stroke recovery Galax VA options.