Product Review: MAIDeSITe Chair Lift


This post is sponsored by MAIDeSITe. All opinions and statements are my own.

I have met and coached several family caregivers lately who are experiencing pain or recovering from an injury due to helping their care recipient recover from a fall. 

Most family caregivers receive little to no training on helping their loved ones transfer, bathe, or regain footing. Caregivers figure things out as they go and, sometimes, form bad habits that result in strains and injuries. 

My mom’s mobility declined during our caregiving years. Because she was a large woman, sometimes transferring her required two people. Several times, we called for a non-emergency assist to return her to her bed or a lift chair.

Our family only attempted to use a Hoyer lift, which my mom despised because she feared being airborne.  Even if Mom had agreed to let us use the Hoyer lift, we would have needed to spend thousands of dollars on new flooring, as using it on carpeted floors is not recommended.

I recently learned about the MAIDeSITe Electric Chair Lift, an affordable lift chair that doesn’t take up much floor space and can easily be moved by a family caregiver in good health. I had to give it a try to see if this is a product I could recommend to family caregivers. 

