End of Life Cafe – Tackling Tough Conversations
August 27, 2023 by Alzheimer’s Speaks
Our Panelist

Anne Kenny, MD is a geriatrician and palliative care physician, author of Making Tough Decisions about End-of-Life Care in Dementia, and Founder of Together in Dementia – an educational/informational blog/coaching/course platform with a mission to provide a physician-informed approach to care from someone who has also traveled the dementia journey.
Dr. Kenny has a new book co-authored with Teresa Webb, a woman living with and advocating for Frontotemporal Dementia. The book, Your True North: A Guided Journal for Those Living with Cognitive Loss or Dementia about Legacy, Love and Wishes for the End of a Life Well-lived, will be available in the fall.
Dr. Anne Kenny’s Contact Information

David McNally is a professional speaker and author of several bestselling books including Mark Of An Eagle and Be Your Own Brand. He has been married twice, both spouses of whom have passed away. His second wife, Cheryl, was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s in June of 2019 and passed away in June this year. Cheryl made a decision after her original diagnosis that she would not go into memory care and when her quality of life diminished to where life no longer had meaning, she would VSED (Voluntarily Stop Eating and Drinking). This decision was documented in a KSTP Channel Five news segment called: Cheryl’s Choice. The link to this segment is listed in our resource list.
Contact David McNally

Joseph Byrd is a minister, theologian, and attorney. He has served as the Lead Pastor in congregations in North Dakota, Kentucky, Florida, Tennessee, and Michigan as well as serving as a seminary professor teaching practical theology and pastoral ministry. He has practiced law serving as County Attorney in Tennessee; a City Attorney in Florida; Assistant Attorney General in the Tennessee Attorney General’s Office; and most recently Disciplinary Counsel and Lead Attorney for Indigent Services with the Tennessee Supreme Court.
Mr. Byrd holds a B.A. in Biblical Studies from the Northwest Bible College (1984); the M.Div. from the Church of God Theological Seminary (1987); a Ph.D. in Theology from the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary (1990); and the J.D. from the University of Toledo College of Law (2002).
Dr. Byrd was Lead Pastor of the Stewart Road Christian Ministries Center for 18 years and the church experienced exponential growth under his leadership.

Ben Murray is the Lead Pastor at Northville Christian Assembly in Northville, MI. He has been in full-time ministry for 19 years and has filled many positions from a Children’s Pastor, an Associate Pastor, and now a Lead Pastor.
Contact Information for Ben Murray
Northville Christian Assembly Instagram & Facebook @NorthvilleChristian.
Ben’s Personal Instagram @PB_Murray
Ben’s Facebook – Benjamin Murray

Kim Callinan is the President and CEO of Compassion & Choices, where she has had a leadership role in realizing patient-directed end-of-life care for the past eight years. She launched the Finish Strong initiative, designed to empower patients to take charge of the final chapter of their lives; played a leadership role in the authorization and implementation of medical aid in dying into six new jurisdictions; and launched an initiative to address the inequities in end of life care and planning for historically underserved communities. Kim is frequently invited to speak at conferences, testify before state legislatures, conduct policy briefings, and serve on committees as an expert on end-of-life care options.
Contact Kim Callinan and Compassion and Choices

Patty Barnett Mouton, MSGc, has served as Vice President at Alzheimer’s Orange County since 2005. She is passionate about enhancing the quality of life for older adults, and people with life-limiting illnesses. Among her roles in the community, Patty serves as Program Director for the Hoag Hospital Palliative Care education program, is appointed to the Senior Citizens Advisory Council to the OC Board of Supervisors, as well as the Provider Advisory Committee to CalOptima. She is a certified ELNEC (End of Life Nursing Education Consortium) Instructor, holds a graduate certificate in Palliative Care Chaplaincy from CSU San Marcos, and has co-chaired the Orange County, CA POLST Coalition for the past 10 years.
She is currently a candidate for a Masters in Gerontology at CSU Long Beach.
Contact Patty Mouton

Brian Fulcher is the Family Service Manager at Sunset Kapala Glodek Funeral Home and Cemetery as well as Wulff Funeral Home. He leads a team of committed, compassionate Family Service Counselors who find fulfillment and professional satisfaction in helping individuals and families prepare for and plan their legacy.
Contact Brian Fulcher

Sunset Kapala Glodek Funeral Home & Cemetery
Wulff Funeral Home
Phone 651.343.2463

“Give sorrow words; the grief that does not speak knits up the o-er wrought heart and bids it break.” Thirty-three years ago, I came across this Shakespeare quote as I was graduating from the Program of Mortuary Science at the University of Minnesota with my mortuary science degree. As a mortician and funeral celebrant, I keep these words close to my heart when helping families through the life-changing experience of the death of a loved one. As a teaching specialist with the University of Minnesota Program of Mortuary Science, I teach future funeral directors the importance of anticipatory grief that both families and the person with dementia experience.
Contact Carrie Rowell

Email Lance A. Slatton and Lori La Bey with Conscious Caregiving with L & L through their website https://consciouscaregivingll.com/
You can also access Lance and Lori’s other websites below:
Resources to Support You!
Living with Dying – by Beecham and Ortlip
Being Mortal: Medicine and What Matters in the End
Regarding Cheryl Hauser’s Story
Cheryl Hauser & Her Daughter Wendy Talk About Cheryl’s Diagnosis And Her Decision To VSED.
Compassion and Choices Website
Finish strong Tools
Dementia End-of-Life Care
Dementia Values & Priorities
2023 Signature Event
Video Clips
Short promo about C&C’s Dementia Decoder with storyteller Elaine Saunders
Coalition for Compassionate Care of California
Caring for the Whole Person Initiative
Before I Go Solutions
Speaking of Dying
Honoring Choices® Pacific NorthWest
Five Wishes
Organ Donor
National End-of-Life Doula Alliance
International End-of-Life Doula Association

Alzheimer’s Speaks Radio – Shifting dementia care from crisis to comfort worldwide one episode at a time by raising all voices and delivering sound news, not just sound bites since 2011.
Dementia Chats is a series of video conversations where we talk with the true experts on dementia, those living with a diagnosis. Lori La Bey, founder of Alzheimer’s Speaks, and Eilon Caspi a Dementia Behavioral Specialist facilitate these conversations. Each conversation is amazing with wonderful insights from those living with a form of dementia.
La Bey encourages everyone not only to watch these videos but to include those living with dementia in conversations and to listen closely to their insights. They know dementia better than anyone.
Today our topic is: Complications & Work Arounds When What Is Said Is Not Heard On today’s panel, our experts living with dementia are: Dr. Jennifer Bute Craig Hanke Karen Creekmoore Truthful Loving Kindness Learn About:
- Types of miscommunication and when and why they can occur with a person living with dementia.
- Frustration can turn to anger
- What’s a Back-up Brain
- How safety issues and being scared can complicate things.
- Feelings vs. Facts
- Leverage humor to help move through difficult times.

Order Your Book Now – A Great Gift For Anyone At Any Age

Betty the Bald Chicken – Lessons in How to Care is a wonderful tool for anyone struggling and feeling like they don’t fit in anymore. Bullying, Chronic Illness, Addiction, Divorce, Death and Dying, Ageism, Racism, and more.
Paperback 978-1-952976-86-5 Hardcover 978-1-952976-87-2
Library of Congress Control Number: 2022948781
Learn More About Alzheimer’s Speaks Below
Lori La Bey and Alzheimer’s Speaks Can Help Your Organization With Staff Training, Family Support, Perspective Clients, and Support Gatherings.
