Allied Health Professionals Designing Digital Self-management Resources for YOU.


The Allied Health Professionals (AHPs) are a group of health professionals who can support you if living with dementia or supporting a person with dementia. This can include dietitians, music therapists, occupational therapists, physiotherapists, podiatrists and speech and language therapists. The AHPs have been developing evidence based, quality assured self-management resources with the ultimate aim to enhance your wellbeing and maintain connection with families, friends, and your communities before AHP specialist interventions are needed. We have designed five AHP digital platforms that offer practical information that we hope find helpful if you live at home, receive care at home or live in a care home.

Connecting People, Connecting Support online is an interactive website created by Occupational Therapists and designers where people can come together to explore ways to live well with dementia. This website was designed to help you embed health promoting activities into your daily routine. Whether you are visiting this website because you have been told that you have mild-cognitive impairment, have been given a diagnosis of dementia, or want to keep well by taking steps to maintain good brain health, there is something here for everyone with 32 different topics with things to chat about, try, play and more! The resources have been tried, tested and recommended by people living with dementia and those who support them. The website can be accessed at:

Information sheets and podcasts. A suite of resources have been developed including information on activities at home, physical activity, footcare and diet and hydration. This information is relevant for people living at home, being supported at home or in a care home setting. The resources can be accessed at:

Self-management resources. Resources including ‘Practical tips to help my memory’, Physical Activity and Exercise Ideas for People Living with Dementia, Tips for Talking, Connecting you to support: Practical Advice, Exercises for strength and flexibility, Exercises for strength and balance with additional videos can be accessed at We will be updating these pages over the next 12 months, so keep an eye on new resources to support people at home, in the community or living in a care home.

AHP Dementia webinars. Bi-monthly webinars sharing the work and practice of the AHPs in Scotland take place on a wide variety of topics. The webinars are available to join live or listen again to the recordings on: Forthcoming webinars are advertised on social media @AHPDementia or email to find out more.

Social Media. Follow us @AHPDementia where the AHPs share daily hints and tips or regular updates. Our AHP students on placement also share their work and ideas on our AHPDementia Instagram page. Weekly Let’s talk about dementia blogs can be found:

What’s next? AHP Digital Self-Management information will be shared in the Alzheimer Scotland app and integrated within the Alzheimer Scotland Virtual resource Centre. Look out for animations and further podcasts coming soon.

Get in contact.  We would welcome any feedback on all our resources:

What you liked? What would make them even better What’s missing?

If you would like to know more or would like paper copies of any of the resources, please contact

