Prenatal Care Galax VA

The anticipation of the birth of a baby is one of the most exciting times in any woman’s life. Decorating a nursery, shopping for tiny clothes and accessories, and choosing a name are just a few of the thrilling activities that await a mother-to-be. The only thing that can dampen her joy is finding out that her pregnancy is high-risk. Whether it’s the mother or the baby that may experience complications, there are ways to safeguard both to lessen and possibly even eliminate those risks. One of the best things for pregnant women to do is to seek the assistance of prenatal care Galax VA.

While any pregnant woman will certainly benefit from any form of prenatal care, women with high-risk pregnancies need to take special precautions particularly if they already have children and busy home lives or work schedules. In other words, addressing situations that cause stress and doing everything possible to lessen their effects upon the mother-to-be is crucial. Not only can it cause health problems for the mother, but high stress levels can put the baby at risk for premature birth and a low birth weight.

Here are some tips for handling a high-risk pregnancy. It should be noted that these tips can also help any pregnant woman who is experiencinganxiety or has any concerns about her pregnancy.

  1. Discuss delivery options with your OB/GYN or doctor – keeping the line of communication open throughout your pregnancy is vital. That includes expressing any concerns during pregnancy and about the birth. For example, having a sensitivity to anesthesia is something your doctor needs to know in order to make plans in the case of an emergency. Knowing that your doctor has listened to you and taken everything into consideration will make you feel much more confident as your delivery approaches.
  2. Don’t ignore your emotions – some women feel as though their emotions have gone haywire during pregnancy. While that is completely normal, don’t take feeling depressed, anxious, or overwhelmed lightly. While medication is probably not an option, getting help from a counselor or mental health professional is. Being reassured and guided through the ups and downs of pregnancy can be a great comfort especially to new mothers.
  3. Take cues from your body – the growing baby takes energy and resources that you are used to having all to yourself. It’s normal to feel exhausted and not up to doing laundry or other household tasks. It’s okay to grab a nap or go to bed extra early.
  4. Remain aware – understanding the different stages of pregnancy and listening to your doctor address any potential issues is an important part of the process. The assurance of knowing what to expect and that your doctor has planned for it is a great source of peace.
  5. Use your support system –friends and relatives who can help you are invaluable during pregnancy. Having someone help with household chores, take care of your other children, and even give you a lift so you don’t have to deal with traffic can really save your day.

Virginia Kares Home Care Services, LLC., is a premier provider of prenatal care Galax VA. Our in-home aides can help you with childcare, meal preparation, transportation to medical appointments, and other light housekeeping duties that you are not able to do and shouldn’t have to shoulder the burden for alone. Our caring aides also offer emotional support to keep you on track and excited about the arrival of your baby. Visit our website to learn more or to schedule a consultation.