Bringing the Past to Life Using Archive Films


Bringing the Past to Life Using Archive Films

Listen Live or Listen at Your Convenience Thursday August 17th, 2023 2 pm EST, 1 pm CST, 12 pm MST, 11 am PST & 7 pm London GMT, 9 pm South Africa SAST, and on the 18th at 6 am in Australia AEDT

Creating Living Memories to Engage and Build Community

Lori La Bey talks with Brian Norris who has spent his career as an international media lawyer and for the last 12 years has been a Social Entrepreneur creating and delivering reminiscence resources and services. Brian is the founder of Living Memories C.I.C., a nonprofit organization.


  1. How past memories create new moments of connection.
  2. How Memory Café’s are leveraging using Living Moments.
  3. About the different delivery styles to enhance engagement.
  4. How to use it at home or in a community setting.
  5. Find Out how the guide can support the activity.
  6. Watch how these films bring people of all ages together.
  7. What Tea and Memories is about. Watch the video

Contact Living Memories

Living Memories



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Alzheimer’s Speaks Radio – Shifting dementia care from crisis to comfort worldwide one episode at a time by raising all voices and delivering sound news, not just sound bites since 2011.

Order Your Book Now – A Great Gift For Anyone At Any Age

Betty the Bald Chicken – Lessons in How to Care is a wonderful tool for anyone struggling and feeling like they don’t fit in anymore. Bullying, Chronic Illness, Addiction, Divorce, Death & Dying, Ageism, Racism, and more.

Paperback 978-1-952976-86-5 Hardcover 978-1-952976-87-2

Library of Congress Control Number: 2022948781

Learn More About Alzheimer’s Speaks Below

Lori La Bey and Alzheimer’s Speaks Can Help Your Organization With Staff Training, Family Support, Perspective Clients, and Support Gatherings.

