Setting Boundaries for Better Self-Care –


Setting Boundaries for Better Self-Care

In today’s world, the ability to say “no” is a crucial skill for maintaining a healthy balance in our lives. Setting boundaries is not only an art but also a form of self-care that allows us to prioritize our mental health and emotional wellbeing. Most of us find it challenging to say no, especially to friends, family, or a work colleague. However, when individuals neglect to establish limits, they can become overwhelmed, which can lead to burnout. Agreeing to every single request can eventually make you feel overburdened and exhausted. That is why it is of utmost importance to set limits and draw the line.  

Samvedna Care recognizes the significance of setting boundaries as an integral aspect of self-care and promotes the importance of mastering the art of saying “no”. Their mental health therapists provide practical strategies for self-care to enhance your overall well-being.

Setting boundaries is akin to creating a personal safety net that safeguards your mental and emotional well-being. It involves defining and communicating what you are comfortable with, what aligns with your values, and what contributes positively to your life. Establishing and maintaining healthy boundaries is not about building walls; instead, it’s about fostering healthier relationships, greater self-awareness, and a more fulfilling life.

Recognizing the Need for Boundaries

Understanding when and how to say no starts with recognizing our own needs and limits. It’s also important to remember that saying “no” is not a one-time event but rather an ongoing practice that one will need to incorporate in life. It can be easy to slip back into old habits and say “yes” to everything again, so individuals need to make a conscious effort to continue setting boundaries and prioritizing their needs.

Some of the few ways to communicate boundaries, depending on the situation and relationship, could be:

  • Share your feelings clearly and then set limits; keep it simple and straightforward whilst also being polite, such as “Thanks for the invitation, that sounds like fun however, I’m not available at that time.’
  • There will be some people who simply can’t handle the word ‘no’. They will try to manipulate you until they get their way, throw tantrums, give silent treatment, or just ignore the boundaries that you have set. If this happens, remind yourself that boundaries help to keep relationships healthy and will benefit everyone in the relationship. 
  • Some individuals can also take time to get used to new boundaries set by you, especially if they are very close to you. So provide them with some time to process the same. 
  • Making boundaries, especially when you’re not used to doing so, can bring up negative emotions such as feelings of guilt, fear, shame, sadness, or awkwardness. Learn this as a natural part of setting new limits in relationships.

Also, boundaries are about having your needs honoured by others, but they are also about respecting your own needs. So, while setting healthy boundaries can improve your relationships, remember that by practicing the art of saying ‘no’, you can also improve your relationship with yourself. 

However, if you feel that you are still having difficulty maintaining boundaries with certain individuals, then you might benefit from talking to a mental health therapist, such as a psychologist or a counsellor, about this. Online counselling provides a valuable platform for self-reflection, helping individuals gain insights into their priorities and stressors. Through online counselling sessions, individuals can explore their emotional landscape and develop a better understanding of when and where to set boundaries. A therapist can assist in developing strategies for setting boundaries empowering individuals to say no with confidence and without guilt. 
Samvedna Care adds an extra layer of support to the self-care journey. With a focus on holistic well-being, Samvedna Care provides services that cater to both the physical and emotional aspects of an individual’s health. This includes personalized care plans and wellness programs that understand the importance of setting boundaries for enhanced self-care.

