Can Metformin Cause Diarrhea? – Diabetes Strong

[ad_1] Metformin is a well-known, affordable, and widely used drug to help manage type 2 diabetes.  It helps lower blood sugar levels, improves HbA1c readings (a measure of glucose control over the previous 2 to 3 months), and can help people with diabetes lose weight.  But can metformin cause diarrhea? And if so, what’s the … Read more

Coconut Sugar and Diabetes: A Healthier Sugar Alternative?

[ad_1] People with diabetes are often told to watch how much sugar they eat and, usually, to limit foods with added sugars.   However, many sugar alternatives are now becoming popular for health-conscious and people with diabetes alike. But are these alternatives really healthier? This article will explore what coconut sugar is, if it’s healthy, and … Read more

Can People with Diabetes Take Melatonin to Sleep Better?

[ad_1] Melatonin is a common, over-the-counter sleep aid many people take to help them fall and stay asleep at night. However, the drug can have side effects.  Can people with diabetes safely take melatonin to sleep better? This article will tell you everything you need to know about melatonin and diabetes.  What is melatonin? Melatonin … Read more