The power of social media. Student physiotherapy advice for people living with dementia.

[ad_1] Hi, I am Megan, and I am an MSc Physiotherapy student from Edinburgh Napier University and I have just completed my first practice placement with Alzheimer Scotland. During the placement, I had the opportunity to lead the AHPdementia Instagram page during my last 4 weeks of placement. This gave me the opportunity to interact … Read more

The power of social media. Student physiotherapy advice for people living with dementia.

[ad_1] Hi, I am Megan, and I am an MSc Physiotherapy student from Edinburgh Napier University and I have just completed my first practice placement with Alzheimer Scotland. During the placement, I had the opportunity to lead the AHPdementia Instagram page during my last 4 weeks of placement. This gave me the opportunity to interact … Read more


[ad_1] ACTIVITY BOXES AND SPECIALTY ITEMS FOR DEMENTIA PATIENTS FOR EVERY LOCATION AND OCCASION October 26, 2023 by Alzheimer’s Speaks Listen Live or Listen at Your Convenience Thursday, October 26th, 2023 2 pm EST, 1 pm CST, 12 pm MST, 11 am PST & 7 pm London GMT, 9 pm South Africa SAST, and on the 27th at … Read more

Co-designing Journeying through Dementia | Let’s Talk about Dementia

[ad_1] An AHP Dementia Webinar Lots of ideas and information to think over and look how to apply locally All the speakers spoke with real enthusiasm for their work – very easy to listen to.  Well done to them all. Every two months we work together as an allied health professionals community to develop, for … Read more

Hear About Challenging Dementia Symptoms – From Experts Live with a Diagnosis

[ad_1] Hear About Challenging Dementia Symptoms – From Experts Live with a Diagnosis October 24, 2023 by Alzheimer’s Speaks Challenging Dementia Symptoms on Dementia Chats – Our Experts Live with a Diagnosis Today’s panel of experts all living with a dementia diagnosis, discuss challenging symptoms. Learn how these symptoms affect them and how they cope. Dementia … Read more