Memory’s Mirage! The Intricate World of Confabulation in Dementia –

[ad_1] September 25, 2023 As the elderly population continues to grow, so does the prevalence of dementia, a complex condition that impacts memory, cognition, and daily life. One strange phenomenon that often accompanies dementia is confabulation, a behaviour that can be challenging for both the elderly with a dementia diagnosis and their caregivers. Let us … Read more

World Alzheimer’s Month #WorldAlzheimersDay | Let’s Talk about Dementia

[ad_1] #NeverTooEarly September is World Alzheimer’s Month, an international campaign to raise dementia awareness and challenge stigma. Each year, Alzheimer and dementia associations, alongside all those involved in the treatment, care and support of people living with dementia, from around the world unite to organise advocacy and information provision events. The focus of this year’s … Read more

“Communicating in Grace’s world” AHP Dementia Webinar

[ad_1] “An excellent presentation…It was great to hear about your true collaborative working highlighting the importance of understanding culture and systems. Some excellent outcomes for the individuals concerned and plenty of professional learning and reflections.” Every two months we work together as an allied health professionals community to develop, for you, a national AHP Dementia … Read more