The Aging Life Care Association® offering free info sessions for National Aging Life Care™ Month


Aging Life Care Managers® offer a holistic, client-centered approach to caring for older adults, dependent adults, and others facing ongoing health challenges. Sometimes called geriatric care managers, Aging Life Care Managers are strategic planners with key knowledge in crisis intervention, housing, health and disability, advocacy, family legal needs, and financial and local resources.

The Challenge

With Americans living longer than ever before, many are overwhelmed by the aging journey. “Often, family caregivers feel the brunt of stress in having to take extra time off work or away from their own children,” says Anne Sansevero, President of ALCA. “Many do so enthusiastically, but without knowing the ins and outs of what their loved one needs or how to advocate for them, they become overwhelmed.”

These pressures, along with escalating costs of long-term or specialized care and the COVID-19 pandemic have increased demands on multi-generational family caregivers. There are also an increasing number of people opting to “age solo” (who never had children) or parents who live far from their children or next of kin. Our members provide options for people who need additional, objective support and guidance.

By working with an Aging Life Care Manager®, people can return to familial relationships in their elderhood. An adult child can remain the adult child, not the care coordinator or evaluator.

Free Info Sessions: Ask an Aging Life Care Manager

In May 2023, ALCA is piloting a new means of support for family caregivers or anyone expecting to be a “solo ager.” Every Friday in May, ALCA is hosting free, thirty-minute sessions where attendees can ask experts questions about aging and planning for care. Attendees must register for the events as space is very limited to allow for more personal attention. To learn more and register, visit (and look under the “Events” tab).

The hope is that these sessions help people see that Aging Life Care™ is more accessible than they realized. ALCA CEO Julie Wagner hopes these “Ask an Aging Life Care Manager” conversations will increase awareness of the Aging Life Care™ field, “Families and caregivers are facing more pressure and challenges. We want people to know that help is available.”

There will be two sessions every Friday, where attendees can speak directly with an Aging Life Care Manager® and get guidance for their situation. The sessions are free, in recognition of Aging Life Care™ Month.

