Finding Care and Support Resources for You and Your Loved Ones


Finding Care and Support Resources for You and Your Loved Ones

Listen Live or Listen at Your Convenience Tuesday August 8th, 2023 2 pm EST, 1 pm CST, 12 pm MST, 11 am PST & 7 pm London GMT, 9 pm South Africa SAST, and on the 9th at 6 am in Australia AEDT

Bianca Chan is the executive director of NeuroLOGIC Foundation, a 501(c)(3) organization dedicated to providing entirely free care services to Alzheimer’s disease communities in NC and beyond. As a high school student running these programs, I have provided intellectual stimulation, music, and support services to Alzheimer’s disease individuals and their caregivers. 


  1. What the story is behind the NeuroLOGIC Foundation.
  2. About the services the NeuroLOGIC Foundation provides.
  3. The importance of providing these services and products to families.
  4. How families can access these resources.
  5. About other resources, the NeuroLOGIC Foundation plans to provide in the future.

Contact Neurologic Foundation

Instagram  @neurologicfoundation

Alzheimer’s Speaks Radio – Shifting dementia care from crisis to comfort worldwide one episode at a time by raising all voices and delivering sound news, not just sound bites since 2011.

Order Your Book Now – A Great Gift For Anyone At Any Age

Betty the Bald Chicken – Lessons in How to Care is a wonderful tool for anyone struggling and feeling like they don’t fit in anymore. Bullying, Chronic Illness, Addiction, Divorce, Death & Dying, Ageism, Racism, and more.

Paperback 978-1-952976-86-5 Hardcover 978-1-952976-87-2

Library of Congress Control Number: 2022948781

Learn More About Alzheimer’s Speaks Below

Lori La Bey and Alzheimer’s Speaks Can Help Your Organization With Staff Training, Family Support, Perspective Clients, and Support Gatherings.

