How retirement counselling can help the elderly to cope with changes

[ad_1] July 19, 2023 The decision to retire is a major turning point in anyone’s life, marking the beginning of a new chapter open to endless possibilities. However, it can be difficult for the elderly to deal with change and transition. Counselling for retirees is crucial in assisting them in adjusting to their new circumstances … Read more

Caregivers Guide to Oral Care

[ad_1] Dr. Alisa Kaufman, a dentist specializing in geriatric care, shares her expertise to help caregivers become more confident in providing daily oral care to seniors — whether by brushing, flossing and using picks, or removing and cleaning full or partial dentures. Below is first in a two-part series of a caregivers guide to oral … Read more

Why Family Caregivers Should Keep Financial Records

[ad_1] Last Updated: September 2, 2019 Caregiving typically does not happen in one singular moment; instead, it often gradually develops over time. You may begin by helping your parent or senior loved one with small errands, like picking up groceries or driving to doctor appointments. You are acting out of love and make the time … Read more

Discover The 7 Mysterious Types of Nutrition and Why It’s Crucial

[ad_1] Unravel the mystery behind the seven types of nutrition. From Autotrophic Nutrition to Heterotrophic Nutrition, Holozoic Nutrition, Saprophytic Nutrition, Parasitic Nutrition, Symbiotic Nutrition, and Mixotrophic Nutrition. Each type plays a unique role in providing the necessary nutrients for growth and maintenance.  Credit: Pexels This article will explain the types of nutrition, their importance and … Read more