Everything You Need to Know About Calculating Your Daily Calorie Needs

[ad_1] Reviewed by Brian St. Pierre, MS, RD Calorie manipulation—whether to lose weight or gain muscle—seems simple. After all, it’s just math… right? Sort of. But it’s tricky. Your body is a complex machine. In order to determine how many calories your body needs to achieve your goals, you need to first understand how your body … Read more

3 Powerful Ways Women Can Incorporate Self-Care Into Daily Routine For Optimal Health

[ad_1] Wellness is an essential aspect of life for women, as it impacts their physical, mental, and emotional health. Unfortunately, women are often burdened with multiple responsibilities and stressors. These can take a toll on their well-being. According to the World Health Organization, stress is the leading cause of illness and death for women in … Read more