A Call for Matching Donors for the LEV Foundation “Robust Mouse Rejuvenation 2” Fundraiser – Fight Aging!

[ad_1] The Longevity Escape Velocity (LEV) Foundation was founded by Aubrey de Grey to address an important missing aspect of the ongoing work to produce treatments that target the underlying mechanisms of aging. While the research and development community has made sizable strides in the past decade, and the first rejuvenation therapies now exist … Read more

How to Fight a Company Preying on your Loved One(s) – Dealing with Dementia

[ad_1] A colleague of mine called to ask for some help. She and her two sisters are stepping in to help their parents and shared the never-ending battle they are having with a company called PowerHome Solar that recently rebranded to Pink Solar. See the link to recent news story about this icky business … … Read more