An Occupational Therapy Student’s Learning from a Practice Placement with Alzheimer Scotland

[ad_1] The Technology Wall at the Alzheimer Scotland Brain Health and Dementia Resource Centre, Kirkcaldy, Fife. Hello! My name is Eva O’Callaghan and I’m an MSc in Occupational Therapy student at Edinburgh Napier University. I completed an eight-week placement between NHS Fife and Alzheimer Scotland at the end of last year, where I spent two … Read more

MSc Physiotherapy Student Placement in Alzheimer Scotland. My Learning and Reflections.

[ad_1] Hi, I am Megan, and I am an MSc Physiotherapy student from Edinburgh Napier University,  working with Alzheimer Scotland on my first placement. My placement is coming to an end I would like to share with you my experience working with Alzheimer Scotland and what I’ve learnt. This placement has given me the opportunity … Read more