Navigating Mealtimes with Dementia: Solutions and Empowerment

[ad_1] This blog emerged as a result of my project work with Alzheimer Scotland. During this project I had the privilege of updating content on the website. This fantastic website was designed to help you embed health promoting activities into your daily routine. The blog itself was born out of requests for advice and … Read more

Navigating the Skies: Practical advice to support people living with dementia and companions to travel successfully by air.  

[ad_1] Image © University of Plymouth, 2021 Introduction: Air travel is a remarkable and often challenging experience, especially for those with living with dementia and their travel companions. In this blog post, we delve into recent research that sheds light on the unique challenges and opportunities faced by individuals with dementia when navigating the skies. … Read more

Navigating the Emotional Rollercoaster of Going Through Breast Cancer Treatment –

[ad_1] October 20, 2023 Living with cancer can often feel like embarking on an unpredictable roller-coaster ride that impacts your physical and emotional well-being. Navigating through this emotional rollercoaster can be incredibly challenging. Individuals often confront a surge of emotions upon receiving a breast cancer diagnosis. Fear, anxiety, shock, and disbelief are common initial reactions. … Read more

Navigating Anger and Righteousness – Dealing with Dementia

[ad_1] It’s been a while since I had to deal with anger from my Mom or a client diagnosed with dementia. My Dad never lost his cool even through moderate Alzheimer’s. Angry & Righteous Today There is no easy salve to navigate these situations. I support an individual who lives in a retirement community managed … Read more