Benefits of Virtual Speech Therapy for Individuals with Alzheimer’s
October 30, 2023 by Alzheimer’s Speaks
Listen Live or Listen at Your Convenience Tuesday, October 31st, 2023 2 pm EST, 1 pm CST, 12 pm MST, 11 am PST & 7 pm London GMT, 9 pm South Africa SAST, and on the 1st at 6 am in Australia AEDT

Lori La Bey talks with Avivit Ben-Aharon, the Founder and Clinical Director at Great Speech, Inc., a virtual speech therapy company founded in 2014. She is recognized as a trailblazer for nationwide virtual access to speech therapy, allowing anyone who is committed to improving their communication to receive expert services, regardless of location or scheduling limitations with her work featured on Forbes, Good Morning America, US News, and World Report, Miami Herald and more. Avivit holds an undergraduate and a Master of Arts degree in Speech-Language Pathology from The City University of New York and a Master of Science degree in Special Education and Teaching from Hunter College.
- What is Speech Therapy?
- How Speech Therapy can help people living with a form of dementia.
- If virtual therapy really works.
- What is the advantage of flexible hours for appointments?
- What are the benefits for those living with dementia?
- What the benefits are for Care Partners.
Contact Avivit Ben-Aharon and Great Speech
Avivit Ben-Aharon LinkedIn
Great Speech Website
Great Speech Twitter @greatspeechinc

Alzheimer’s Speaks Radio – Shifting dementia care from crisis to comfort worldwide one episode at a time by raising all voices and delivering sound news, not just sound bites since 2011.

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Paperback 978-1-952976-86-5 Hardcover 978-1-952976-87-2
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