Genetic Associations with Longevity are Stronger in Women – Fight Aging!

[ad_1] It seems likely that researchers will still be debating the well-established difference in life expectancy between men and women long after the first rejuvenation therapies make that difference irrelevant. Of the many possible contributing causes, it at least seems reasonable to rule out the sociological explanations based on behavioral differences, given that sex … Read more

Prioritizing Self-Care for Stronger Teams

[ad_1] July 25, 2023 In the fast-paced corporate world, where targets, deadlines, and responsibilities loom large, it is easy to overlook the importance of self-care. As leaders, HR managers, team leads, and team managers, nurturing the mental well-being of our teams should be a top priority. Recognizing this essential aspect, we at Samvedna Care organized … Read more