Co-designing Journeying through Dementia | Let’s Talk about Dementia

[ad_1] An AHP Dementia Webinar Lots of ideas and information to think over and look how to apply locally All the speakers spoke with real enthusiasm for their work – very easy to listen to.  Well done to them all. Every two months we work together as an allied health professionals community to develop, for … Read more

A comprehensive guide to talk therapy in mental illness treatment –

[ad_1] September 21, 2023 Mental illness is a formidable adversary, affecting millions worldwide, regardless of age, gender, or background. It takes on many forms- the suffocating weight of depression, the relentless grip of anxiety, the haunting echoes of trauma, and the turbulence of mood swings. The windy journey of battling mental illness can be isolating … Read more

World Alzheimer’s Month #WorldAlzheimersDay | Let’s Talk about Dementia

[ad_1] #NeverTooEarly September is World Alzheimer’s Month, an international campaign to raise dementia awareness and challenge stigma. Each year, Alzheimer and dementia associations, alongside all those involved in the treatment, care and support of people living with dementia, from around the world unite to organise advocacy and information provision events. The focus of this year’s … Read more

Reflecting and Connecting | Let’s Talk about Dementia

[ad_1] Dementia awareness week took place a few months ago and as in previous years the week was filled with lots of activities involving different people, services and organisations. In NHS Tayside our awareness raising involved pushing around trolleys with biscuits and drinks for busy acute hospital staff to provide ten minute talks about dementia. … Read more

Hand Under Hand | Let’s Talk about Dementia

[ad_1]  A More Inclusive Way to Physically Support People Living with Dementia As physiotherapists, we are often asked about the best ways to help people move when they start to have difficulty moving for themselves. When movement becomes a problem, it can prevent people doing everyday activities independently like getting washed and dressed, eating, drinking, … Read more

 ‘Communicating Well with Dementia’ | Let’s Talk about Dementia

[ad_1] A supported conversation group It was the end of 2021, and COVID restrictions were beginning to relax.  Finally, we were able to restart our already established Speech and Language Therapy (SLT) groups. It was around this time that another idea started to form.  One of our therapists was simultaneously seeing three separate clients with … Read more