The Importance Of Regular Check-Ins With Your Mental Health Therapist –

[ad_1] December 19, 2023 As the demands of daily life increase, it becomes extremely difficult to maintain a clear vision and draw clear boundaries between personal and professional life or, let’s say, inner world and outer world.  We live in a world where 3D printers are baking pizza, and AI is taking over jobs, yet … Read more

Failing Mitochondrial Quality Control in Aging and Neurodegeneration – Fight Aging!

[ad_1] Every one of our cells contains hundreds of mitochondria, the descendants of ancient symbiotic bacteria now fully integrated into our biochemistry. Mitochondria contain their own small remnant genome, the mitochondrial DNA, replicate like bacteria, and toil to produce adenosine triphosphate (ATP), a chemical energy store molecule used to power cell processes. Mitochondrial function … Read more

Embrace Online Depression Counselling –

[ad_1] December 22, 2023 In a world increasingly interconnected through digital avenues, the stigma surrounding mental health is gradually giving way to a more accessible and inclusive approach. One such transformative development is the rise of online depression counselling, providing a lifeline for individuals grappling with the weight of depression.  As society recognizes the importance … Read more

Should We Think of Rheumatoid Arthritis as an Age-Related Condition? – Fight Aging!

[ad_1] There are medical conditions that occur only in old age, and there are medical conditions, such as cancer, that can occur at any point in life, but more so in the old. Then there are grey area conditions that may occur to some greater degree in later life, or be worse in later … Read more

A Guide for Family and Friends –

[ad_1] Watching a loved one struggle with depression can be both heart-wrenching and challenging.  The impact of depression extends beyond the individual experiencing it, casting shadows over the lives of those closest to them. Samvedna Care recognizes the profound impact that depression can have on individuals and their loved one’s emotions, such as feelings of … Read more

Fight Aging! Newsletter, January 1st 2024 – Fight Aging!

[ad_1] Fight Aging! publishes news and commentary relevant to the goal of ending all age-related disease, to be achieved by bringing the mechanisms of aging under the control of modern medicine. This weekly newsletter is sent to thousands of interested subscribers. To subscribe or unsubscribe from the newsletter, please visit: Longevity Industry … Read more