Exosome Therapy as a Way to Improve Angiogenesis in the Context of Bone Tissue – Fight Aging!

[ad_1] Angiogenesis, the complex set of processes by which new blood vessels are produced, becomes less efficient with advancing age. One important consequence is a loss of capillary density, which has a range of detrimental effects on tissue function, particularly in energy-hungry tissues such as the brain and muscle. Regeneration from injury is also … Read more

Monocyte Population Differences with Age Following Bone Fracture – Fight Aging!

[ad_1] The innate immune system is involved in tissue maintenance and regeneration. That includes populations of monocytes, circulating innate immune cells in the bloodstream that enter damaged tissue to become macrophages. Monocytes are somewhat easier to catalog and study than is the case for macrophages. The former can be found in a blood sample, … Read more

DEL-1 Upregulation Promotes Bone Regeneration in Aged Mice – Fight Aging!

[ad_1] Bone is constantly remodeled throughout life. The extracellular matrix making up bone tissue is continually broken down by osteoclast cells and built up by osteoblast cells. In youth, these activities are balanced. With aging, however, the activity of osteoclast cells progressively outweighs the activity of osteoblast cells. The consequence is an ever greater … Read more