Cellular Senescence Disrupts Adrenal Gland Circadian Rhythm in Aging Mice – Fight Aging!

[ad_1] Cellular Senescence Disrupts Adrenal Gland Circadian Rhythm in Aging Mice This research makes for interesting reading in the context of a recent paper discussing a mismatch between brain and body circadian clocks as a contributing factor to degenerative aging. Researchers here show that an accumulation of senescent cells in the adrenal gland disrupts … Read more

Correlating Gut Microbiome Characteristics with Changed Behavior in Aging Mice – Fight Aging!

[ad_1] The composition of the gut microbiome influences health and aging. In addition to variations between individuals, the relative abundances of different microbial populations making up the gut microbiome change with age in ways that contribute to chronic inflammation and the loss of useful metabolite production. Researchers here demonstrate that it is possible to … Read more

Epigenetic Change with Age in Mice is Not Linear – Fight Aging!

[ad_1] Epigenetic Change with Age in Mice is Not Linear Epigenetic marks such as DNA methylation control expression of genes and cell behavior. They change with age, a reflection of the processes of damage and dysfunction that occur with age. Researchers here focus on DNA methylation in one organ in mice to demonstrate that … Read more

Human Exosomes Harvested from Stem Cells in Urine Produce Rejuvenation in Mice – Fight Aging!

[ad_1] Exosomes are a class of extracellular vesicle, membrane-wrapped packages of molecules that carry a sizable fraction of the chemical communications that takes place between cells. The various types of extracellular vesicle are presently ordered in a taxonomy by their size rather than any more subtle combination of features. Those subtle features definitely exist; … Read more

DEL-1 Upregulation Promotes Bone Regeneration in Aged Mice – Fight Aging!

[ad_1] Bone is constantly remodeled throughout life. The extracellular matrix making up bone tissue is continually broken down by osteoclast cells and built up by osteoblast cells. In youth, these activities are balanced. With aging, however, the activity of osteoclast cells progressively outweighs the activity of osteoblast cells. The consequence is an ever greater … Read more

Senolytic CAR T Cell Therapy Improves Health in Aged Mice – Fight Aging!

[ad_1] Senolytic CAR T Cell Therapy Improves Health in Aged Mice To the degree that senescent cells in a tissue exhibit distinctive surface features, one can deploy technologies such as chimeric antigen receptor T cells to selectively destroy them. T cells will destroy whatever cell binds to the chimeric antigen receptor they are equipped … Read more