Our ‘State of Older People’s Health and Care’ report demands swift action | Discover

[ad_1] What’s the current picture? The report exposes the reality of the scale of the challenge facing older people in today’s NHS and social care system. There are significant short term issues, from long waits for a social care assessment (in some places, people are waiting up to 8 months for just this first step … Read more

Working to Ensure a Senior Loved One Receives Proper Care

[ad_1] Last Updated: August 19, 2019 There comes a time when our parents or senior loved ones are no longer able to care for themselves. Some families choose senior living communities to care for a loved one’s needs during this time. It is important to continue to check-in with a loved one in senior living periodically, however, to confirm that they … Read more

Lothian Care Academy – Dementia Training Pilot

[ad_1] I want to take the time with this blog today to shine the light on the wonderful work being done by the Lothian Care Academy. The Lothian Care Academy was commissioned by the four Local Authorities in Lothian, Integration Boards and NHS Lothian. This ambitious programme aims to deliver high-quality training and education by … Read more

“Taking care to the patient” – AHP Dementia Webinar

[ad_1] AHP webinars are always informative and helpful. Great presentation – lots of information, very good pace and style of delivery! It was very interesting to hear more about the role of paramedics Every two months we work together as an allied health professionals community to develop, for you, a national AHP Dementia Webinar where … Read more