What to Look for When Visiting Aging Loved Ones this Thanksgiving

[ad_1] During the holiday season families and friends often make special visits to aging loved ones. Aging Life Care Managers® suggest you use this time to take note of any changes in health, behavior, or physical appearance. You may discover your aging loved one now needs more help or attention.   Is it Time for … Read more

Helping Your Aging Loved One Manage Their Finances

[ad_1] As our senior loved ones age, we may start seeing physical and mental signs of decline. While some signs are not worrisome, others may be more concerning: anxiety, depression, forgetfulness, and mishandling money. These could indicate more serious issues and are risky behaviors. So here are four things you can do to help your … Read more

Working to Ensure a Senior Loved One Receives Proper Care

[ad_1] Last Updated: August 19, 2019 There comes a time when our parents or senior loved ones are no longer able to care for themselves. Some families choose senior living communities to care for a loved one’s needs during this time. It is important to continue to check-in with a loved one in senior living periodically, however, to confirm that they … Read more

How to Fight a Company Preying on your Loved One(s) – Dealing with Dementia

[ad_1] A colleague of mine called to ask for some help. She and her two sisters are stepping in to help their parents and shared the never-ending battle they are having with a company called PowerHome Solar that recently rebranded to Pink Solar. See the link to recent news story about this icky business … … Read more