Ready to Overcome Depression? Discover Healing Strategies that Work –

[ad_1] Depression whispers in hushed tones, yet it is a feeling experienced by millions worldwide. It can manifest as a pervasive sadness, a loss of interest in activities you once enjoyed, or a persistent feeling of emptiness. Depression can rob you of your energy, motivation, and overall sense of well-being. There are a multitude of … Read more

Simple Tips for Social Connections and Happiness in a Challenging Hybrid Work Environment –

[ad_1] February 01, 2024 “I find it hard to work in a hybrid setting. I have tried it on numerous occasions over the years, including when I signed up with a company, but I am still not great at it. There’s always a nagging thought about how I engage with people socially, or even if … Read more

Does online counselling/talk therapy work in resolving interpersonal relationship conflicts? –

[ad_1] September 18, 2023 Talk therapy/Counselling has been one of the prominent interventions in the field of mental health catering to all kinds of psychological and emotional needs of the individuals who enter a therapeutic space. With years and years of evolution in this field, ample research, and multiple modalities surrounding it, one can never … Read more

Dementia: Complications & Work Arounds When What Is Said Is Not Heard

[ad_1] Dementia: Complications & Work Arounds When What Is Said Is Not Heard August 24, 2023 by Alzheimer’s Speaks Dementia Chats is a series of video conversations where we talk with the true experts on dementia, those living with a diagnosis. Lori La Bey, founder of Alzheimer’s Speaks, and Eilon Caspi a Dementia Behavioral Specialist facilitate … Read more