Simple Carbs vs. Complex Carbs: What’s the Difference?

[ad_1] Counting carbohydrates (“carbs”) is an important aspect of living well with diabetes.  After all, carbohydrates digest into glucose in the body, and glucose is what raises blood sugar levels. But there are different types of carbohydrates: simple and complex.  This article will investigate the differences and similarities between simple and complex carbohydrates, as well … Read more

Simple Tips for Social Connections and Happiness in a Challenging Hybrid Work Environment –

[ad_1] February 01, 2024 “I find it hard to work in a hybrid setting. I have tried it on numerous occasions over the years, including when I signed up with a company, but I am still not great at it. There’s always a nagging thought about how I engage with people socially, or even if … Read more