Clearance of Microglia as a Treatment for Macular Degeneration – Fight Aging!

[ad_1] Macrophages are innate immune cells of the body, microglia the analogous innate immune cells of the central nervous system. All microglia and most macrophages depend on the function of colony stimulating factor 1 receptor (CSF1R); if this protein or its function are suppressed, the cells die. Following clearance of microglia and macrophages, the … Read more

Fight Aging! Newsletter, May 27th 2024 – Fight Aging!

[ad_1] Fight Aging! publishes news and commentary relevant to the goal of ending all age-related disease, to be achieved by bringing the mechanisms of aging under the control of modern medicine. This weekly newsletter is sent to thousands of interested subscribers. To subscribe or unsubscribe from the newsletter, please visit: Longevity Industry … Read more

FOXF1 Gene Therapy Improves Regeneration of Intervertebral Discs Following Injury – Fight Aging!

[ad_1] Intervertebral disc degeneration is a feature of aging, and injury can produce further challenges. A range of approaches have been assessed to enhance the regenerative capacity of disc tissue, useful not just after injury, but also to reverse some of the declines in disc structure and function produced by aging. Stem cell therapies … Read more

A Brief Tour of the Development of Senolytic Therapies to Clear Senescent Cells – Fight Aging!

[ad_1] Senescent cells accumulate with age as the immune system falters in its ability to clear these cells in a timely fashion. Senolytic therapies selectively destroy some fraction of senescent cells, and first generation senolytic drugs have been demonstrated to rapidly and impressively reverse age-related disease and extend life in mice. The best of … Read more

Exercise Improves Neurogenesis via Restoration of Microglia to a More Youthful Phenotype – Fight Aging!

[ad_1] Exercise is known to improve cognitive function and neurogenesis, the process by which new neurons are created by neural stem cells and then mature to integrate into existing neural networks. Neurogenesis is best studied in the hippocampus, where it is necessary for learning and memory function to take place. It is also likely … Read more