LEV Foundation on Senolytics as One Part of a Combination Rejuvenation Therapy – Fight Aging!

[ad_1] The primary focus of the Longevity Escape Velocity (LEV) Foundation is to demonstrate that therapies based on the repair of forms of underlying molecular damage that cause aging can be combined to produce greater rejuvenation. Research of recent years has demonstrated quite comprehensively that the alternative strategy for treating aging, to manipulate metabolism … Read more

Continued Assessment of the Fasting Mimicking Diet as an Adjuvant Cancer Therapy – Fight Aging!

[ad_1] The fasting mimicking diet resulted from efforts to understand how nutrient sensing systems in cells respond to a lower calorie intake. The question of interest was this: at what level of calorie intake do the benefits of fasting start to emerge, and at what level of calorie intake are most of the benefits … Read more

How To Make The Most From Online Therapy –

[ad_1] December 30, 2023 Going to therapy can be an intimidating prospect for many individuals, marked by concerns about judgment, vulnerability, and the stigma associated with seeking mental health support. The fear of face-to-face interactions with therapists often creates a barrier preventing people from accessing the help they need. Which is where online therapy emerges … Read more

Gene Therapy Enhances Object Recognition Memory in Young and Old Mice – Fight Aging!

[ad_1] Researchers here report on a gene therapy to upregulate RGS14 expression in an area of the brain associated with object recognition, showing that it enhances function in both old and young mice. Given past studies of RSG14, this is an expected result. Interestingly, increased RSG14 expression appears to produce benefits via upregulation of … Read more

“You’re one of the band!” – Group Music Therapy in Dementia

[ad_1] This blog describes one group member’s experiences in a weekly music therapy session, held in an NHS care home in Scotland. Morna* is a 74 year old woman living with a mixed-type dementia and attends the music therapy group regularly. When I arrive, Morna is sitting with some others in a communal space within the … Read more

Occupational Therapy Co-Designing Post-Diagnostic Support for People Living with Dementia.

[ad_1] Journeying through Dementia 2020-2023 Part 1 The developing evidence on the benefits of AHP early interventions, the value of supported self-management and rehabilitation in enabling people to live well with dementia is overwhelming. It is therefore imperative that AHPs develop and/or adopt models of practice based on the evidence. This evidence increasingly emphasises greater … Read more