Assessing Epigenetic Age Acceleration as a Predictor of Age-Related Morbidity and Mortality – Fight Aging!

[ad_1] Researchers here report on an assessment of epigenetic clocks (and PhenoAge). The study is one of a fair number of attempts to quantify just how effective these aging clocks are when it comes to predicting age-related disease and death. The interesting conclusion here is that epigenetic age acceleration, as determined using the present … Read more

Particulate Air Pollution Correlates with Risk of Alzheimer’s Disease – Fight Aging!

[ad_1] Particulate Air Pollution Correlates with Risk of Alzheimer’s Disease Researchers here use data on air pollution from a single US metropolitan area to show a correlation with Alzheimer’s disease risk. Air pollution is shown to increase chronic inflammation via the interaction of particulates with lung tissue, and inflammation is an important component of … Read more

An Update on Progress Towards Treating Atherosclerosis at Cyclarity – Fight Aging!

[ad_1] Today I’ll point out an interview with one of the Cyclarity Therapeutics founders, illustrative of the degree to which biotech companies are at the mercy of regulators once they arrive at the clinical stage of development. Cyclarity, formerly Underdog Pharmaceuticals, is a spin-out from the SENS Research Foundation, an organization that aims to … Read more

Increased Dietary Leucine Activates mTOR Signaling in Macrophages, Accelerating Atherosclerosis – Fight Aging!

[ad_1] Leucine is an essential amino acid, only obtained from the diet rather than synthesized by our cells. Leucine supplementation has been proposed as a way to slow the loss of muscle mass with age, as leucine processing becomes dysregulated with aging in a way that can be compensated for by adding more leucine … Read more

Correlations with Mortality in Levels of Proteins Secreted by Senescent Cells – Fight Aging!

[ad_1] Here, researchers investigate correlations between late life mortality and levels of specific proteins produced by senescent cells as a part of the senescence-associated secretory phenotype (SASP). While looking over the paper, it is worth bearing in mind that circulating levels of many of the molecules thought to be important components of the SASP … Read more

An Update on Kimer Med, Improving on the DRACO Antiviral Technology and Moving Towards the Clinic – Fight Aging!

[ad_1] The state of anti-viral therapies isn’t that great, all things considered. Technology has not yet advanced to the point at which a viral infection can be simply shut down, as is the case for near all bacterial infections. The present anti-viral drugs are either vaccines (useful!) or merely shift the odds somewhat by … Read more