Blunt Thoughts on Calculating the Revealed Value of Human Life – Fight Aging!

[ad_1] Bloodless, heartless calculations of the value of your life are constantly taking place behind the curtains that society politely draws over some of the uglier realities of the human condition. Interactions with insurance companies might be the most visible signs of these calculations, but this is the tip of the iceberg. Humans assign … Read more

Reviewing What is Known of the Mechanisms of Taurine Supplementation Relevant to Aging and Metabolism – Fight Aging!

[ad_1] Taurine is a semi-essential amino acid. Dietary taurine supplementation has been shown to modestly slow aging in mice, though as for all such interventions there is always the question of whether it will prove to be less useful in humans, and also whether these results in mice will be disproved by the much … Read more

Cellular Senescence in the Aging Brain, a Contributing Cause of Cognitive Decline – Fight Aging!

[ad_1] Senescent cells are created throughout the body at all stages of life, largely when somatic cells reach the Hayflick limit on replication. Senescent cells cease replication and begin to energetically produce pro-growth, pro-inflammatory factors, attracting the attention of the immune system and otherwise changing the behavior of surrounding cells. Cell stress and mutational … Read more

Gene Therapy Enhances Object Recognition Memory in Young and Old Mice – Fight Aging!

[ad_1] Researchers here report on a gene therapy to upregulate RGS14 expression in an area of the brain associated with object recognition, showing that it enhances function in both old and young mice. Given past studies of RSG14, this is an expected result. Interestingly, increased RSG14 expression appears to produce benefits via upregulation of … Read more

Sizes of Immune Cell Subsets Correlate with Human Mortality – Fight Aging!

[ad_1] The immune system is made up of many different cell types. Further, distinct populations within those types exhibit a varied range of behaviors. The molecular damage and resulting cellular dysfunction of aging produces complex changes in the immune system, as is the case for all of the complex biological systems of the body … Read more

Induction of Autophagy Slows High Fat Diet Induced Atherosclerosis in Mice – Fight Aging!

[ad_1] Atherosclerosis is the name given to the growth of fatty lesions in blood vessel walls, narrowing and weakening blood vessels, and eventually rupturing to cause a heart attack or stroke. This is the primary cause of human mortality. Many approaches have been demonstrated to slow the progression of atherosclerosis in the most commonly … Read more